We had an awesome time... he finally had the chance to sit with my family and relatives in a more relaxed environment.
Also, him and I had been married over a month and so we were pretty much at ease on his trip here... thankfully!
The night before he came, I had been soooo nervous because school had kept me bz and i had hardly had any time to properly clean up the room that he was to stay in, or anything!
So, I ended up skipping a day of school and finished cleaning up within seconds of him walking through the front door.
I was actually putting the final touches on some lentil soup when my dad knocked on the door (my dad had gone to pick him from the airport).
The trip was amazing, but too short... we were running around going from one party to another... plus, the weather was kinda icky and i caught a fever :(
But overall things went well... and though we had to cancel our own dinner plans, initially, to accommodate another dinner party, that ended up getting canceled because the hosts (my uncle's wife & her niece that's staying with them) got strep throat... so, eventually, my hubby, A, and I ended up going back to our original plan and had a fun night :)