Monday, September 23, 2013

We moved...again!

I had posted a few months back that I had moved to WI...we ended up living there for only 2.5 yrs and are now living back in OH again!

I suppose a lot has happened since I last wrote, as usual...I am seriously going to continue to write more often. I loved blogging but finding time can be hard, especially with my 2.5 yr old!

So, anyhow...we are happily living in OH again and we've bought are first house! Our closing was exactly 20 days ago and we've been at the house for about 2 weeks now.

NOW I'm busy with trying to find the time to unpack because I'm feeling all sorts of pressure because EVERYONE wants to come and visit and see the whole house...that means they check out EVERY room so it's a little overwhelming because we've hardly unpacked so far.

I'm excited...just wish I had more free time & energy to actually finish up wverything that I have to do.

Trying to hang in there...

On top of everything Y's bedtime routine (and pretty much every other routine) has been messed up because we lived 3.5 months with my parents while we where looking for a house and grandparents love to spoil kids :( So that's another cause of stress these days!

Sigh...there I go again whining lol.

Alhamdulillah I am still very grateful to God :)

I love that I'm back near family & we now own a house...and almost 2 cars :)

GingerBabyMama: Chicken Tetrazzini Freezer Recipe

GingerBabyMama: Chicken Tetrazzini Freezer Recipe: Today I embarked on another freezer cooking adventure.  This is the second month that I am trying to do a "Once a Month" cook t...

Monday, May 13, 2013

Why I Love Being A Mom :)

I love that I am my son's EVERYTHING...sure, he may run to Dad for some things...but I have always (ok, usually lol) been the shoulder he wanted to burp on, to sleep on, to cry on and lean on.

He's the one that made me a mom

He is the reason that I cannot sleep at night, but also the reason why I wake up each morning!

He can drive me up the wall, but he is still my best friend

He can make me cry, but will dry those tears and make me laugh at the drop of a hat!

I love my son, and each day he reminds me just why.