Ok, so we were home now...
Right as I got out of my car... I started having a small breakdown!
I am extremely shy by nature and the thought of meeting a random guy for marriage was kind of making me freak out...
I don't want anyone to get the idea that this proposal etc. was done without my consent... I had given consent right from the start... in fact, I had approved this guy and so that's why my mom first started talking to 'A' back in March '08.
But, standing there, on my pavement outside my house... I sort of forgot about every positive thing... and it was just due to the fear of stepping into the unknown.
Alhamdulillah, I walked in... and umm... my dad totally of course, had to embarass me... and so I walk in and see 'A' and say 'Assalaam aleykum' and my dad's like, "So this is ***** **** (my full name), the daughter who is my 'humm shakal'..." which means look-alike in my language...
If that wasn't bad enough... I made sure I took a seat next to the window and parallel to the TV which was thankfully on, so that I could pretend to be distracted!
Anyhow, so yeah, I was sitting down and my dad looks at me and says, "you're allowed to look at him", I swear, I think I was hoping that there was a trap door under the couch and I could fall through! I was utterly embarassed!
Thankfully, my mom glared at my dad real big and he decided to quiet down... poor him, i could totally tell that he was VERY happy and excited, at that moment.
I wish I could say that this was the end of my embarassing moments for the day, but unfortunately it wasn't... my mom pulls out a photo album that 'A' had brought of him and his family and starts showing it to me... and i'm like, "God, it's full of his pics... i don't want to look like i'm staring at them...!!!" and i'm telling you, my mom started giving full-on commentaries at all the pics, it seemed! and i was like 'noooooooooooooo...'... hahaha
I love my parent, though :) Alhamdulillah, they do it all out of love <3
To sum up the day, I spent only like 20 mins downstairs with my family where 'A', my maternal grandma and parents were chit-chatting and then I spent the rest of the day in my room... at around noon, 'A' and my parents went out to lunch at an Indian/Chinese restaurant that we have over here and so that was the time that I came out of my room and actually got something to eat...
'A' had brought a huge cheesecake from 'The Cheesecake Factory' for my family and so I quickly ate that... also, my mom called and informed me that her aunt and uncle, who were visiting from Pakistan, would also be stopping by later in the evening and so I should put the cheesecake in a presentable cake platter...
The problem was, the cheesecake was getting kinda messy and I was running out of time... I'm telling you, I was seconds away from not making it back up the stairs when the front door opened!
The rest of the day went smooth and my parents had my sister finally come over and meet 'A' as well (traditionally, only the daughter that is to be wed is presented in front of a male suitor, at that time)...
The day was coming near to an end and it was time for Maghreb Salah... and my parents had 'A' lead the salaah so that I could sneak and hear his Qiraa'ah (recitation) which alhamdulillah was very good :)
Hmm... so this is all I have to report about the meeting...
'A' and I got informally engaged on that Sunday, when his parents called... my dad stopped me in the kitchen and asked me if i was ok with it and i just said, "yeah, i guess"... LOL...
so eloquent! :S
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