How do you take the bachelor out of a husband?
So, my husband and I have hardly lived together... but the last time we spent an extended amount of time together, my in-laws were here and the house was all tidied up before I even arrived so I basically had to maintain it and just make changes...
This time I came, things were kind of neat... but there were things that needed a lot of work... like dishes were still in the sink and some of 'em were beginning to stink and the sponge probably had a life of its own! LOL
So anyhow, I took care of that first hurdle and my poor hubby had already cooked so everything was going well... After that, we went on our delayed honeymoon for a week.
And now we're back and supposed to be moving out of this apartment and moving to a place that's 4 hrs away... and, the apartment is a mess and I am superbly overwhelmed!
And guess what? There's dishes and empty wrappers, receipts, labels and all sorts of stuff all over the place i.e. the kind of stuff that drives me nuts... I guess because I'm not used to this!
I'm not usually a very tidy person but my mess consists of just clothes and books... here, it's things that are actually going bad :S
I feel like it's a scene from one of those movies where they show a teenager who discovers a month old slice of pizza from under their bed! hehe
So yeah, I'm at a loss for how to deal with this... I don't want to sound naggy but at the same time I can't tolerate all of this nor figure out what to do...
I'll clean up and help hubby out and take care of some domains of the household... but then I've got to draw the line somewhere, right?
I've told my hubby that I'll take care of the dishes, but he's GOT to leave his in the sink... god, I washed/rinsed some dishes before we left... thinking that they were all... We just got back yesterday and I discovered that there was a pile of bowls and empty wrappers that we under our coffee table so I totally missed 'em! Sigh.
Alhamdulillah I have an awesome husband but he's got these 'bachelor days' habits and I don't know how to deal with all of this. So don't get me wrong... he is helpful and usually does more than I and we've all got quirks... but like I said, some kinds of messes just make me cringe... so how do I fix this?
Any ideas, please?
Because we're at this point, sitting in separate rooms and not even really talking because we're both so overwhelmed :(
I still love him to death, I just need a creative solution.
Where does a wife draw the line?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
on a side note...
I don't know how I feel about the new background template for my blog :S
Comments, anyone?
Comments, anyone?
I have finals next week, the last being on Thursday, Dec 10th and insha'Allah I'll be flying in the morning of the 11th.
I don't know if any of my friends know, but I'm an increasingly anxious traveler :(... That is, even when I AM traveling with other people... but I'm going to traveling alone, for the second time in my life and that makes me a little nervous. Plus, I'm going to a totally new airport.
The last time I had gone to SC, I had gone via the airport in Charlotte, NC but now I'll be flying through GA. I had previously been to the one in NC before flying alone because I had once traveled to see hubby with my mom. This time I don't even know what to expect and also, the airport is bigger. I just hope Allah makes things easy for me.
Anyhow, I'm just hoping the excitement and anticipation of finally being able to reunite with my hubby, even though it's gonna be short, will override any worries that I may have about traveling alone.
The 2 fears that I have, getting lost when on the road and traveling alone, seemed to have been caused because of my mom LOL. She gets lost all the time :( and I remember being afraid to go to new places with her as a kid. In fact, there was this one time we were soooo lost and the car was running out of gas and the car apparently hit 'reserve' a few times and we were terrified that we'd get stranded. Sigh, haha the misery :) but we made it ok.
Thank God for cell phones now... I just pull mine out whenever I start feeling anxious.
Ok, enough of that.
I can't believe I'll be on vacation and with hubby in 10 days insha'Allah. I know I've mentioned before, but long distance relationships are VERY hard. It's because you love someone and you can't even be with them.
I can't wait till March so that I'm done with school :D insha'Allah.
Sigh... this visit couldn't have come at a better time, I was beginning to lose it! I don't think I could've held up any longer without seeing him.
I pray that everyone who is married, will always remain close to their spouses and find much happiness there. And for those that are not married, may Allah bless them with a marriage in the near future and grant them much happiness and success in their endeavors as well.
I'm out, it's morning now and I've got 3 hrs to catch some ZzzzZ's... I just could not sleep!
Take care and peace-
I don't know if any of my friends know, but I'm an increasingly anxious traveler :(... That is, even when I AM traveling with other people... but I'm going to traveling alone, for the second time in my life and that makes me a little nervous. Plus, I'm going to a totally new airport.
The last time I had gone to SC, I had gone via the airport in Charlotte, NC but now I'll be flying through GA. I had previously been to the one in NC before flying alone because I had once traveled to see hubby with my mom. This time I don't even know what to expect and also, the airport is bigger. I just hope Allah makes things easy for me.
Anyhow, I'm just hoping the excitement and anticipation of finally being able to reunite with my hubby, even though it's gonna be short, will override any worries that I may have about traveling alone.
The 2 fears that I have, getting lost when on the road and traveling alone, seemed to have been caused because of my mom LOL. She gets lost all the time :( and I remember being afraid to go to new places with her as a kid. In fact, there was this one time we were soooo lost and the car was running out of gas and the car apparently hit 'reserve' a few times and we were terrified that we'd get stranded. Sigh, haha the misery :) but we made it ok.
Thank God for cell phones now... I just pull mine out whenever I start feeling anxious.
Ok, enough of that.
I can't believe I'll be on vacation and with hubby in 10 days insha'Allah. I know I've mentioned before, but long distance relationships are VERY hard. It's because you love someone and you can't even be with them.
I can't wait till March so that I'm done with school :D insha'Allah.
Sigh... this visit couldn't have come at a better time, I was beginning to lose it! I don't think I could've held up any longer without seeing him.
I pray that everyone who is married, will always remain close to their spouses and find much happiness there. And for those that are not married, may Allah bless them with a marriage in the near future and grant them much happiness and success in their endeavors as well.
I'm out, it's morning now and I've got 3 hrs to catch some ZzzzZ's... I just could not sleep!
Take care and peace-
Thursday, November 26, 2009
While strolling upon a rosy path, one may encounter an occasional thorn...
Relationships are hard.
Marriage is full of amazing days and lot of good times, believe me.
But of course, it would be untrue to say that you'll never have the occasional argument. Also, I believe I have mentioned before it's always about something small!
What have I learned through my over one year of being married?
Guys and girls think very differently.
And so, unfortunately it seems that a lot of times things get lost in translation.
Ok, before I get into this post, I wanted to let you all know that maybe later in this blog I'll share the stuff which I have been learning in my Psych of Interpersonal Relationships class.
Back to posting now...
Hmmm... yeah, so I take myself to be very well read when it comes to relationship advice books, columns and everything. Why? Haha, more out of personal interest. There was a time when I thought of going into marriage counseling as a career choice too, I guess it could still happen...
So anyhow, yeah there's a few things I know (I don't remember if I've ever mentioned these before) like:
* It is best to use XYZ statements when dealing with an issue that may be upsetting you about your partner. For example instead of saying "You're so annoying, you're always making a mess!", it's more efficient to say " When you come home and put your clothes in the wrong place, I feel annoyed". Obviously this was just a random example.
So yeah, XYZ statements rely on the pattern "When you do X in situation Y, I feel Z".
* Take turns talking, let your partner finish stating how they are feeling before you start with your own feelings. And, throughout your conversation hint back to things that your partner said (paraphrase) so that you validate that you were actually listening.
A word of advice, it takes some training to usually get guy to talk about their feelings, but in the long run it is important that both partners are able to communicate their feelings with each other (I'm still working on this one).
Ok, so these were just 2 bits of advice that I've shared from academia.
The rest pertains to my own life experiences and has statistical backing as well.
What I think is the best piece of advice that I can give to anyone is... COOL OFF before you continue your conversation.
Meaning, something has upset you and you want to talk about it... but obviously you are upset and you may have every right to be (emotions aren't rational, always, yet they should not be shrugged off... Personally I HATE it if people tell me "Oh you're always crying!"... Dude, I don't do it for theatrical effect! I do it coz i'm actually upset, whether you approve or disapprove). Well instead of doing what you feel like doing, move away! YES, YOU... MOVE!
Why? Isolating yourself from a potentially damaging argument, while you are being irrational, is better than 'talking' about it right then and there.
Sounds strange, huh?
Well statistics show that the number of arguments that a couple has does not play as big a role in determining whether they'll stay together, as does ever rare, but ugly, fighting.
It is important to be polite and stay calm/collected while arguing as well and this cannot be achieved unless you have given yourself enough time to flush out all of that extra adrenaline.
Honestly, I'm sure all of us has said at least ONE thing to someone while we were angry which we regretted later.
So yeah, fight... but do it tactfully! Nobody likes ugly :S
Now, back to me...
I feel truly blessed because I have the most caring and considerate husband alhamdulillah.
The only problem is... we have 2 very different ways of dealing with things!
He prefers to avoid fights by avoiding the topics and I'm ok with jumping into the topic head first... but of course, after my cool down period.
Another problem, usually him and I argue over the phone... so he gets offended over why I hang up on him when I'm upset. So yeah, girls will think 'Oh, he should understand that I'm angry because of so and so'... but darling! He's clueless... poor guy misses the forest (the issue raised during the argument) and is focusing on the tree (hanging up)... so of course he feels hurt! :(
This is where I'll say that girls need to be trained... be open to your husband.
Explain to him beforehand that when you argue, you aren't upset with HIM but instead you're upset with an issue... Trust me, he'll miss that. (I love you, honey!)
Also, explain to him that you need some time to cool down so that you can be rational... and discuss these techniques with him on a normal day when you're being all cuddly so that he won't be hurt by your actions on the day in question. Because otherwise he might think that you need space from him.
So yeah, if you have married Mr. Right it's the little things that drive you nuts but hopefully some of the advice that I put down here will help :)
Pardon me for any grammatical errors or senseless sentence formations! It's 5:30 a.m. and I have not slept all night :(
Keep me in your prayers and I hope that all of you find Mr. Right and live happily ever after (remember to achieve that, it takes tactfulness and skills... we ain't livin' in no fairytale!)
Source of Information:
Marriage is full of amazing days and lot of good times, believe me.
But of course, it would be untrue to say that you'll never have the occasional argument. Also, I believe I have mentioned before it's always about something small!
What have I learned through my over one year of being married?
Guys and girls think very differently.
And so, unfortunately it seems that a lot of times things get lost in translation.
Ok, before I get into this post, I wanted to let you all know that maybe later in this blog I'll share the stuff which I have been learning in my Psych of Interpersonal Relationships class.
Back to posting now...
Hmmm... yeah, so I take myself to be very well read when it comes to relationship advice books, columns and everything. Why? Haha, more out of personal interest. There was a time when I thought of going into marriage counseling as a career choice too, I guess it could still happen...
So anyhow, yeah there's a few things I know (I don't remember if I've ever mentioned these before) like:
* It is best to use XYZ statements when dealing with an issue that may be upsetting you about your partner. For example instead of saying "You're so annoying, you're always making a mess!", it's more efficient to say " When you come home and put your clothes in the wrong place, I feel annoyed". Obviously this was just a random example.
So yeah, XYZ statements rely on the pattern "When you do X in situation Y, I feel Z".
* Take turns talking, let your partner finish stating how they are feeling before you start with your own feelings. And, throughout your conversation hint back to things that your partner said (paraphrase) so that you validate that you were actually listening.
A word of advice, it takes some training to usually get guy to talk about their feelings, but in the long run it is important that both partners are able to communicate their feelings with each other (I'm still working on this one).
Ok, so these were just 2 bits of advice that I've shared from academia.
The rest pertains to my own life experiences and has statistical backing as well.
What I think is the best piece of advice that I can give to anyone is... COOL OFF before you continue your conversation.
Meaning, something has upset you and you want to talk about it... but obviously you are upset and you may have every right to be (emotions aren't rational, always, yet they should not be shrugged off... Personally I HATE it if people tell me "Oh you're always crying!"... Dude, I don't do it for theatrical effect! I do it coz i'm actually upset, whether you approve or disapprove). Well instead of doing what you feel like doing, move away! YES, YOU... MOVE!
Why? Isolating yourself from a potentially damaging argument, while you are being irrational, is better than 'talking' about it right then and there.
Sounds strange, huh?
Well statistics show that the number of arguments that a couple has does not play as big a role in determining whether they'll stay together, as does ever rare, but ugly, fighting.
It is important to be polite and stay calm/collected while arguing as well and this cannot be achieved unless you have given yourself enough time to flush out all of that extra adrenaline.
Honestly, I'm sure all of us has said at least ONE thing to someone while we were angry which we regretted later.
So yeah, fight... but do it tactfully! Nobody likes ugly :S
Now, back to me...
I feel truly blessed because I have the most caring and considerate husband alhamdulillah.
The only problem is... we have 2 very different ways of dealing with things!
He prefers to avoid fights by avoiding the topics and I'm ok with jumping into the topic head first... but of course, after my cool down period.
Another problem, usually him and I argue over the phone... so he gets offended over why I hang up on him when I'm upset. So yeah, girls will think 'Oh, he should understand that I'm angry because of so and so'... but darling! He's clueless... poor guy misses the forest (the issue raised during the argument) and is focusing on the tree (hanging up)... so of course he feels hurt! :(
This is where I'll say that girls need to be trained... be open to your husband.
Explain to him beforehand that when you argue, you aren't upset with HIM but instead you're upset with an issue... Trust me, he'll miss that. (I love you, honey!)
Also, explain to him that you need some time to cool down so that you can be rational... and discuss these techniques with him on a normal day when you're being all cuddly so that he won't be hurt by your actions on the day in question. Because otherwise he might think that you need space from him.
So yeah, if you have married Mr. Right it's the little things that drive you nuts but hopefully some of the advice that I put down here will help :)
Pardon me for any grammatical errors or senseless sentence formations! It's 5:30 a.m. and I have not slept all night :(
Keep me in your prayers and I hope that all of you find Mr. Right and live happily ever after (remember to achieve that, it takes tactfulness and skills... we ain't livin' in no fairytale!)
Source of Information:
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Some decisions don't have to be made overnight...
After weird bouts of randomly breaking out into tears, I have come to the conclusion that I'm done with crying.
My husband and I were talking on the phone tonight and he, as well as others, reminded me that I don't have to know (or make a decision about) what I want to do with the rest of my life, right now.
'A' is an amazing husband and he just told me, 'Try out whatever you want to do and then see what you like best' but of course, there's always that 'make sure you don't neglect your duties' clause :) Which I'm totally down for.
Call it old-fashioned or conservative, but I believe that no one can take better care of my husband/house/future kids than me. I would love to be the one to do these jobs, but at the same time, I'm not oppressed in any way because I have the most caring, considering and helpful husband. He would never make me do everything, without offering to help. Alhamdulillah.
But, I have to admit, after seeing so many different people around, I have been kind of torn as to what I feel is my moral duty vs. what I think I want to do with my life.
'A' just told me he'd support me in whatever I decided to do, as long as we weren't overworked partners who would not have time for each other.
So what I think I want to do, once I graduate in March, is to look for volunteer opportunities in the community and see how I can help out. This could always change, because like my husband was saying... I should give everything a try and see how I like it.
I can't just jump the gun and assume that I'll love working, or being a housewife.
To my hubby 'A': Thank you so much baby for being so supportive, I love you very much and I pray that our love only continues to grow in the future.
My husband and I were talking on the phone tonight and he, as well as others, reminded me that I don't have to know (or make a decision about) what I want to do with the rest of my life, right now.
'A' is an amazing husband and he just told me, 'Try out whatever you want to do and then see what you like best' but of course, there's always that 'make sure you don't neglect your duties' clause :) Which I'm totally down for.
Call it old-fashioned or conservative, but I believe that no one can take better care of my husband/house/future kids than me. I would love to be the one to do these jobs, but at the same time, I'm not oppressed in any way because I have the most caring, considering and helpful husband. He would never make me do everything, without offering to help. Alhamdulillah.
But, I have to admit, after seeing so many different people around, I have been kind of torn as to what I feel is my moral duty vs. what I think I want to do with my life.
'A' just told me he'd support me in whatever I decided to do, as long as we weren't overworked partners who would not have time for each other.
So what I think I want to do, once I graduate in March, is to look for volunteer opportunities in the community and see how I can help out. This could always change, because like my husband was saying... I should give everything a try and see how I like it.
I can't just jump the gun and assume that I'll love working, or being a housewife.
To my hubby 'A': Thank you so much baby for being so supportive, I love you very much and I pray that our love only continues to grow in the future.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
This blog is turning...
I guess this blog was primarily supposed to be about the events leading up to my marriage and maybe a little after... but I guess now it's set to record all of the happenings in my life.
I actually, just now, even considered making a new blog but then I don't know if this aspect of my life is separate than everything else... I guess all of these dimensions make a person who they are.
And, the person that you become in the end, DOES play into what kind of life/marriage you lead.
So anyhow, what got me writing today is, I was going through one of my old e-mail inboxes and reading some of the old messages in there. Well, I had actually created that e-mail address as I was graduating out of high school and about to move to the United States. And so the messages that I was reading were all about when I had recently moved here and how my friends and I were adjusting to our new lives, in the various different countries that we went to for university. (On a side thought, I was always amazed at how people from all different parts end up at OSU... but I guess I'm just one of them too! haha)
Ok, moving on :P...
[I purposely do not organize the thoughts in this blog... it's not systematic because I like to put down things as they come in my head... it makes me feel like it preserves the essence of my craziness! :) ]
So yeah, reading my old messages really got me reminiscing and thinking about how even someone like me, at the age of just 22, has so many dimensions and stories to my life. There's days that I feel like I've been living in the US forever, but then when I sit back and think about it... my life was sooooo different just around 4 1/2 years ago.
Sigh... I am just easily excited, maybe.
I mean the stuff I write most people, like me, probably already know... but isn't it strange that one can feel so awe-ed when they re-realize something! Haha... a total 'AHA' moment :P
I love reflections.
And, with this I'll end :D
I actually, just now, even considered making a new blog but then I don't know if this aspect of my life is separate than everything else... I guess all of these dimensions make a person who they are.
And, the person that you become in the end, DOES play into what kind of life/marriage you lead.
So anyhow, what got me writing today is, I was going through one of my old e-mail inboxes and reading some of the old messages in there. Well, I had actually created that e-mail address as I was graduating out of high school and about to move to the United States. And so the messages that I was reading were all about when I had recently moved here and how my friends and I were adjusting to our new lives, in the various different countries that we went to for university. (On a side thought, I was always amazed at how people from all different parts end up at OSU... but I guess I'm just one of them too! haha)
Ok, moving on :P...
[I purposely do not organize the thoughts in this blog... it's not systematic because I like to put down things as they come in my head... it makes me feel like it preserves the essence of my craziness! :) ]
So yeah, reading my old messages really got me reminiscing and thinking about how even someone like me, at the age of just 22, has so many dimensions and stories to my life. There's days that I feel like I've been living in the US forever, but then when I sit back and think about it... my life was sooooo different just around 4 1/2 years ago.
Sigh... I am just easily excited, maybe.
I mean the stuff I write most people, like me, probably already know... but isn't it strange that one can feel so awe-ed when they re-realize something! Haha... a total 'AHA' moment :P
I love reflections.
And, with this I'll end :D
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
This little girl is grateful...
Around 15 years ago, this little girl moved to the Middle East because her father landed a job there... she carried her stuffed toy Dalmation and rode a plane for the longest trip she had ever taken in her life (well, the one she remembers anyways).
She had just finished first grade and celebrated her 7th birthday a month ago, for the last time, with her cousins and her best friend Erin C.
So yeah, her family left all that was known, comfortable and secure for a life in a country where they knew they could provide their daughters with an even better life.
Flash forward to the year 2005 and the eldest daughter (me) graduates High School and so it's time to move back to the once known, comfortable and secure lifestyle... which now seemed like the opposite (after 11 yrs of living in the Middle East).
After many many many teary goodbyes to friends who became more like family, we returned to real family in the United States.
Once again, here enters the once little girl who had moved out of the US at the age of 7 and has now come back as an 18 year old adult. She is unsure of what the future holds for her and finds it hard to completely blend in... she does not have a drivers' license, dresses differently, has a slight accent, never had a job and has never had any schooling in the United States since 1994.
She moves to the US in July and starts practicing driving right away, even though her family has only one car at that time. She lands a job at Macy's and starts working there by August 12th and starts schooling at a community college by September.
She finds is hard to adjust because other people seem to be able to sense that she is different too, and although she is kind and friendly... she is shy and without prodding finds it hard to make friends in the first year of college.
The second year gets better, when she meets 'S' in an Arabic class and they become friends :) [Unfortunately, 'S' is no longer a friend because she found a larger group or friends and eventually stopped caring for me]. 'S' is half German and half Palestinian.
[[Eventually I move out of the community college and transfer to the state university over here.]]
One friendship led to many others and here I am in the year 2009 all ready to graduate from college and I was overwhelmed by the number of 'actual' friends which I had on facebook (even after cutting down ppl who were just acquaintances, I had around 200 friends that I was pretty close to!).
So yeah, I have a looot to be grateful for... I would have never thought that a shy little girl who was the only Asian (the indo-pak type :P) in her whole elementary school would grow up to spend her whole life in a foreign country and then come back and start over... struggle, but thrive in the United States.
I remember how difficult, emotional and hurtful my first year of college was... and now all I have are fond memories, alhamdulillah (Allah is worthy of All Praise).
I am going to be the first one in my family to have an American degree and my parents could not be prouder. I am grateful to them because they're the ones that worked hard and paid my tuition each quarter, sometimes struggling with it, so that I would not have get any student loans when I start off my own life.
So, I think I have finally deciphered the real reason for my nerves... a chapter of my life is now closing and another one is now starting... one that I don't know much about...
But, recalling how I've done it many times before... I have faith that I'll be able to get through ok :)
Thank you God for all the mercy, love and guidance that you have bestowed me with.
Around 15 years ago, this little girl moved to the Middle East because her father landed a job there... she carried her stuffed toy Dalmation and rode a plane for the longest trip she had ever taken in her life (well, the one she remembers anyways).
She had just finished first grade and celebrated her 7th birthday a month ago, for the last time, with her cousins and her best friend Erin C.
So yeah, her family left all that was known, comfortable and secure for a life in a country where they knew they could provide their daughters with an even better life.
Flash forward to the year 2005 and the eldest daughter (me) graduates High School and so it's time to move back to the once known, comfortable and secure lifestyle... which now seemed like the opposite (after 11 yrs of living in the Middle East).
After many many many teary goodbyes to friends who became more like family, we returned to real family in the United States.
Once again, here enters the once little girl who had moved out of the US at the age of 7 and has now come back as an 18 year old adult. She is unsure of what the future holds for her and finds it hard to completely blend in... she does not have a drivers' license, dresses differently, has a slight accent, never had a job and has never had any schooling in the United States since 1994.
She moves to the US in July and starts practicing driving right away, even though her family has only one car at that time. She lands a job at Macy's and starts working there by August 12th and starts schooling at a community college by September.
She finds is hard to adjust because other people seem to be able to sense that she is different too, and although she is kind and friendly... she is shy and without prodding finds it hard to make friends in the first year of college.
The second year gets better, when she meets 'S' in an Arabic class and they become friends :) [Unfortunately, 'S' is no longer a friend because she found a larger group or friends and eventually stopped caring for me]. 'S' is half German and half Palestinian.
[[Eventually I move out of the community college and transfer to the state university over here.]]
One friendship led to many others and here I am in the year 2009 all ready to graduate from college and I was overwhelmed by the number of 'actual' friends which I had on facebook (even after cutting down ppl who were just acquaintances, I had around 200 friends that I was pretty close to!).
So yeah, I have a looot to be grateful for... I would have never thought that a shy little girl who was the only Asian (the indo-pak type :P) in her whole elementary school would grow up to spend her whole life in a foreign country and then come back and start over... struggle, but thrive in the United States.
I remember how difficult, emotional and hurtful my first year of college was... and now all I have are fond memories, alhamdulillah (Allah is worthy of All Praise).
I am going to be the first one in my family to have an American degree and my parents could not be prouder. I am grateful to them because they're the ones that worked hard and paid my tuition each quarter, sometimes struggling with it, so that I would not have get any student loans when I start off my own life.
So, I think I have finally deciphered the real reason for my nerves... a chapter of my life is now closing and another one is now starting... one that I don't know much about...
But, recalling how I've done it many times before... I have faith that I'll be able to get through ok :)
Thank you God for all the mercy, love and guidance that you have bestowed me with.
Thinking... unwelcomed.
I'm so confused about my future that whenever I think of it I start hyperventilating... wow! don't tell me I'm gonna get my very first batch of panic attacks over this!!!
Anyhow, so I turn to my younger sister for advice when I know I'm thinking (the verb) myself crazy... and she gave me another insight into things... well I guess it wasn't really 'another' idea... maybe just something that I was forgetting to remind myself of, due to my constant panicking! So anyways, she told me to relax and take a deep breath and that getting married/graduating doesn't mean that I still don't have time to do anything with my life.
Sigh... I never thought I'd feel like this when the time came. I don't think I was this nervous when I got married! yikes... somethings gotta give.
Well, so I guess overall I'm feeling a little better although I'm still pretty emotional :(
Partly, I think I'm using my insecurity over graduating to cover up all of the other billions of things that I'm feeling a roller-coaster of emotions about...
I'm once again leaving my family, this time somewhat permanently... I'm just so close to them, and thankfully now that hubby and I are moving to NC we'll be much closer to OH than we previously were... meaning more visits home.
But I can't help but feel sad... the last time I was there (this summer) was really hard without my family... because even though I've found my soul mate and feel complete, it feels like this other part of my life is missing.
Gosh, now i'm tearing up :( I'm really gonna miss my time in OH and OSU.
Jeez, I think this post is turning into something else.
(to be continued, in another post).
Anyhow, so I turn to my younger sister for advice when I know I'm thinking (the verb) myself crazy... and she gave me another insight into things... well I guess it wasn't really 'another' idea... maybe just something that I was forgetting to remind myself of, due to my constant panicking! So anyways, she told me to relax and take a deep breath and that getting married/graduating doesn't mean that I still don't have time to do anything with my life.
Sigh... I never thought I'd feel like this when the time came. I don't think I was this nervous when I got married! yikes... somethings gotta give.
Well, so I guess overall I'm feeling a little better although I'm still pretty emotional :(
Partly, I think I'm using my insecurity over graduating to cover up all of the other billions of things that I'm feeling a roller-coaster of emotions about...
I'm once again leaving my family, this time somewhat permanently... I'm just so close to them, and thankfully now that hubby and I are moving to NC we'll be much closer to OH than we previously were... meaning more visits home.
But I can't help but feel sad... the last time I was there (this summer) was really hard without my family... because even though I've found my soul mate and feel complete, it feels like this other part of my life is missing.
Gosh, now i'm tearing up :( I'm really gonna miss my time in OH and OSU.
Jeez, I think this post is turning into something else.
(to be continued, in another post).
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Gradually graduating...
The other day I sat down for one last time to schedule college classes, for my last quarter at OSU.
I was pretty excited about graduating, until upon scheduling everything, the reality of everything set in... it's like now that I know that I'll have more free time and won't have to be in school no more, I feel like I don't want to leave.
It's really a strange feeling and I have been struggling with the decision of whether I should go to grad school or not.
It's just all very confusing to me... so here, as I wait to take a midterm for the last psych class that I'll ever be taking (I am well over the credit requirements for my major in psych, so I won't be taking another next quarter), I'm blogging like I don't have a worry in the world.
I know I want to be a stay-at-home mom when I have kids, which could be soon if Allah blesses us insha'Allah, because both my husband and I love kids... but then at other times I feel like shouldn't I do more with my life? This, in turn, brings me to the other difficult question... should I wait to have kids? (Till now I've been telling 'A' that I want one like crazy and don't want to wait too much, but I guess a few months/one year shouldn't be too bad? ugh... someone please give me the answers!)
I really wanted to go into Speech Therapy and a Masters would allow me to work in that field and help countless people. Don't get me wrong, I still only wanna work after my (future) kids were in school and that, too, part time. I have no intentions of being some overworked mom who does not have time for the house or kids... I truly believe that is my primary goal.
Maybe my thoughts are based on some of form of insecurity I have for the future... but at the same time, I feel like I want to live a little... in the sense that I wanna try my hand at different things... Where all of this will take me, I'm not really sure...
For one, I'm married... so I have a definite place that I need to be at... at home, caring for my husband. Secondly, I really don't even know where to turn to if I wanted to do anything anyways...
I just hope I don't take the easy way out and do nothing with my life...
Oops! Gotta go and take that exam now.
Peace :)
I was pretty excited about graduating, until upon scheduling everything, the reality of everything set in... it's like now that I know that I'll have more free time and won't have to be in school no more, I feel like I don't want to leave.
It's really a strange feeling and I have been struggling with the decision of whether I should go to grad school or not.
It's just all very confusing to me... so here, as I wait to take a midterm for the last psych class that I'll ever be taking (I am well over the credit requirements for my major in psych, so I won't be taking another next quarter), I'm blogging like I don't have a worry in the world.
I know I want to be a stay-at-home mom when I have kids, which could be soon if Allah blesses us insha'Allah, because both my husband and I love kids... but then at other times I feel like shouldn't I do more with my life? This, in turn, brings me to the other difficult question... should I wait to have kids? (Till now I've been telling 'A' that I want one like crazy and don't want to wait too much, but I guess a few months/one year shouldn't be too bad? ugh... someone please give me the answers!)
I really wanted to go into Speech Therapy and a Masters would allow me to work in that field and help countless people. Don't get me wrong, I still only wanna work after my (future) kids were in school and that, too, part time. I have no intentions of being some overworked mom who does not have time for the house or kids... I truly believe that is my primary goal.
Maybe my thoughts are based on some of form of insecurity I have for the future... but at the same time, I feel like I want to live a little... in the sense that I wanna try my hand at different things... Where all of this will take me, I'm not really sure...
For one, I'm married... so I have a definite place that I need to be at... at home, caring for my husband. Secondly, I really don't even know where to turn to if I wanted to do anything anyways...
I just hope I don't take the easy way out and do nothing with my life...
Oops! Gotta go and take that exam now.
Peace :)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
winter break and moving...
I have decided to continue living in OH until I graduate in March but I will be going to SC to spend my winter vacation with my husband 'A'.
My husband had just booked my tickets when we found out that he'll be moving to NC by the end of this month...
Well, this move did not come as a surprise to us really, just because he had asked his manager to be considered to be transferred if an opportunity/opening showed up at the NC office.
There are many reasons for why we wanted to move to NC...
Firstly, there's a much bigger Muslim community... meaning that there's a proper mosque and religious activities which go on over there.
Secondly, we can get halaal meat over there easily... right now in SC we had found a place which was 2 hours away!
Third, 'A' had decided that wherever we move to, we wanna be close to family and so alhamdulillah moving to NC, as opposed to staying in SC, moves us to a 6 hr drive to OH :D Meaning more visits home... or that 'A' can actually come over the weekend and pay me a visit while I'm still here for school.
Alhamdulillah for everything...
The only thing is, we have to pack!
My husband had just booked my tickets when we found out that he'll be moving to NC by the end of this month...
Well, this move did not come as a surprise to us really, just because he had asked his manager to be considered to be transferred if an opportunity/opening showed up at the NC office.
There are many reasons for why we wanted to move to NC...
Firstly, there's a much bigger Muslim community... meaning that there's a proper mosque and religious activities which go on over there.
Secondly, we can get halaal meat over there easily... right now in SC we had found a place which was 2 hours away!
Third, 'A' had decided that wherever we move to, we wanna be close to family and so alhamdulillah moving to NC, as opposed to staying in SC, moves us to a 6 hr drive to OH :D Meaning more visits home... or that 'A' can actually come over the weekend and pay me a visit while I'm still here for school.
Alhamdulillah for everything...
The only thing is, we have to pack!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Been married for a year!
10/11/08 Our Wedding Day, last year!
May God grant us many more happy days and may we forever be this close, content and pleased with each other. Ameen!
So... what has changed in a year?
Haha... well mostly, we can complete each others' sentences...we do that ALL THE TIME!
And the freaky thing is, sometimes we'll both come up with the SAME EXACT expression at the same exact time... CREEPY :P

May God grant us many more happy days and may we forever be this close, content and pleased with each other. Ameen!
So... what has changed in a year?
Haha... well mostly, we can complete each others' sentences...we do that ALL THE TIME!
And the freaky thing is, sometimes we'll both come up with the SAME EXACT expression at the same exact time... CREEPY :P
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Going home for Eid = Last day alone with hubby
Ok, so I have a lot of drafts that I have saved on here which I will publish sometime soon.
They will update you guys a little bit better on what I've been up to since I've been here in SC.
Hmm... I was here since Aug. 2nd and had booked my ticket for Sept. 22nd (school starts on the 23rd), which would be 2 days after our religious post-Ramadaan celebration of Eid.
I was excited about spending this first Eid with my husband but at the same time we had no idea about how we would celebrate it.
We haven't found any practicing Muslims over here :( and so we actually had no plans.
We were thinking we'd just pray and chill at home, like we do everyday... as it is, we love spending time together :D Alhamdulillah!
Well, one morning my sister text messages me on my cell and is like, 'Guess who is coming over for Eid?' and I'm confused... and so I ask 'who?'. She doesn't say anything back to me but I realize something fishy is going on.
Then I talk to my mom later on in the day and I find out that my dad had called up my husband and told him that he wanted the 2 of us to come over back to OH for Eid (which would be 2 days before I was intended to return). My dad also said that he knew my ticket had already been booked and to see if it could be changed and that my dad would be paying for my husband's ticket. That would be his Eid gift to him :)
So yup, my ticket was already booked and we called to find out if we could cancel or change and the airline people told us that we'd have to pay $150!!! This, of course, was more than the amount that my ticket cost because it was a one-way back to OH.
So we decided to forget about the wasted ticket and just buy a new one and let my dad pay for my hubby's.
Ok... so long story short :D I'm gonna be in OH on Sept 18th along with my husband!
I'm really happy that we'll get to spend our first Eid together with my family and little cousins, alhamdulillah.
Although I'm happy tough, this trip is still bittersweet because I know that I won't be able to see my husband for 3 whole months :'( This whole distances thing is difficult... and these past 1.5 months have been the most time I have spent with him over the whole year of our marriage.
Oh yeah, that reminds me... our first wedding anniversary is coming up! Masha'Allah.
It's on Oct 11th :)
I was planning on paying my husband a visit so that we could celebrate together (it's on a Sunday) but now it's pretty much impossible. First, it'd be too expensive, second I'm gonna have midterms around that time. Third, we're having an AlMaghrib ( class the same weekend :( So yeah, my plans have pretty much been canceled.
Am gonna end this here because it's late and my husband is already snoring away on our futon... poor thing!
Until later...
They will update you guys a little bit better on what I've been up to since I've been here in SC.
Hmm... I was here since Aug. 2nd and had booked my ticket for Sept. 22nd (school starts on the 23rd), which would be 2 days after our religious post-Ramadaan celebration of Eid.
I was excited about spending this first Eid with my husband but at the same time we had no idea about how we would celebrate it.
We haven't found any practicing Muslims over here :( and so we actually had no plans.
We were thinking we'd just pray and chill at home, like we do everyday... as it is, we love spending time together :D Alhamdulillah!
Well, one morning my sister text messages me on my cell and is like, 'Guess who is coming over for Eid?' and I'm confused... and so I ask 'who?'. She doesn't say anything back to me but I realize something fishy is going on.
Then I talk to my mom later on in the day and I find out that my dad had called up my husband and told him that he wanted the 2 of us to come over back to OH for Eid (which would be 2 days before I was intended to return). My dad also said that he knew my ticket had already been booked and to see if it could be changed and that my dad would be paying for my husband's ticket. That would be his Eid gift to him :)
So yup, my ticket was already booked and we called to find out if we could cancel or change and the airline people told us that we'd have to pay $150!!! This, of course, was more than the amount that my ticket cost because it was a one-way back to OH.
So we decided to forget about the wasted ticket and just buy a new one and let my dad pay for my hubby's.
Ok... so long story short :D I'm gonna be in OH on Sept 18th along with my husband!
I'm really happy that we'll get to spend our first Eid together with my family and little cousins, alhamdulillah.
Although I'm happy tough, this trip is still bittersweet because I know that I won't be able to see my husband for 3 whole months :'( This whole distances thing is difficult... and these past 1.5 months have been the most time I have spent with him over the whole year of our marriage.
Oh yeah, that reminds me... our first wedding anniversary is coming up! Masha'Allah.
It's on Oct 11th :)
I was planning on paying my husband a visit so that we could celebrate together (it's on a Sunday) but now it's pretty much impossible. First, it'd be too expensive, second I'm gonna have midterms around that time. Third, we're having an AlMaghrib ( class the same weekend :( So yeah, my plans have pretty much been canceled.
Am gonna end this here because it's late and my husband is already snoring away on our futon... poor thing!
Until later...
Monday, August 31, 2009
In-laws arrive! (for 10 days)
So my in-laws have arrived for 10 days and we're having a lot of fun playing Ludo together, going to the beach, aquarium and we also hosted an iftaar for my second cousin who lives in NC, on the first day of Ramadaan.
My poor MIL and I spent a total of 2 days in the kitchen... from the second that we woke up, until the second we went back to sleep! SubhaanAllah.
It was a lot of work, but my mom-in-law taught me a lot too, I learned how to make a few new things :D
Also, the iftaar party was a success!!!

The pic above is the dining table all set up for the day my in-laws arrived.
I cooked rice, lentil and spinach :D
My poor MIL and I spent a total of 2 days in the kitchen... from the second that we woke up, until the second we went back to sleep! SubhaanAllah.
It was a lot of work, but my mom-in-law taught me a lot too, I learned how to make a few new things :D
Also, the iftaar party was a success!!!
The pic above is the dining table all set up for the day my in-laws arrived.
I cooked rice, lentil and spinach :D

Setting up the apartment :D
This was by-far my favorite part!
My in-laws were with us for 2 days after we came to SC and then they went off to NV to spend time with my husband's elder brother, for 2 weeks.
Well, I decided to take on a mighty task before they came back...
We bought and assembled a bookshelf, coffee tables and a desk in a total of around 3 days... after that hubby and I also bought ourselves a washer n dryer with the money that we got during the wedding!
SubhaanAllah! It really was like taking on more than we could chew and I was super overwhelmed one day... trying to cook and clean and do 3 loads of laundry in a single day... but I am blessed with an AMAAAAZING husband because he did a LOT of work... he doesn't just help, but in fact he DOES a lot of stuff, masha'Allah.
I am so thankful...
My in-laws were with us for 2 days after we came to SC and then they went off to NV to spend time with my husband's elder brother, for 2 weeks.
Well, I decided to take on a mighty task before they came back...
We bought and assembled a bookshelf, coffee tables and a desk in a total of around 3 days... after that hubby and I also bought ourselves a washer n dryer with the money that we got during the wedding!
SubhaanAllah! It really was like taking on more than we could chew and I was super overwhelmed one day... trying to cook and clean and do 3 loads of laundry in a single day... but I am blessed with an AMAAAAZING husband because he did a LOT of work... he doesn't just help, but in fact he DOES a lot of stuff, masha'Allah.
I am so thankful...
I have arrived...
The wedding reception was a huge success and everyone had tons of fun.
It was also pretty well organized and my outfit + hijaab all turned out the way I wanted them to, alhamdulillah (Allah praise is to Allah).
The day after the wedding reception we drove to SC which was a 13 hr drive... even though I was really nervous about riding with my in-laws and everyone for the first time, it all turned out really well and everyone was extremely caring :D
Also, although it would seem like 13 hrs is a loooot, alhamdulillah it really did not feel like that long... i guess it was the happiness of everything which got me through it :)
So, yeah, I'm beginning my new life in SC... slowly but surely!
I'm only here for 1.5 months :( but I'm still excited!!!
It was also pretty well organized and my outfit + hijaab all turned out the way I wanted them to, alhamdulillah (Allah praise is to Allah).
The day after the wedding reception we drove to SC which was a 13 hr drive... even though I was really nervous about riding with my in-laws and everyone for the first time, it all turned out really well and everyone was extremely caring :D
Also, although it would seem like 13 hrs is a loooot, alhamdulillah it really did not feel like that long... i guess it was the happiness of everything which got me through it :)
So, yeah, I'm beginning my new life in SC... slowly but surely!
I'm only here for 1.5 months :( but I'm still excited!!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Running through my head right now...
I cant be losing sleep over this, no I cant
And now I can not stop pacing
Give me a few hours, Ill have all this sorted out
If my mind would just stop racing
Cause I cannot stand still
I cant be this unsturdy
This cannot be happening
This is over my head but underneath my feet
Cuz by tomorrow morning Ill have this thing beat
And everything will be back to the way that it was
I wish that it was just that easy
Cuz Im waiting for tonight
Then waiting for tomorrow
And Im somewhere in between
What is real, and just a dream
What is real, and just a dream
What is real, and just a dream
- "Somewhere in Between", a song by Lifehouse
And now I can not stop pacing
Give me a few hours, Ill have all this sorted out
If my mind would just stop racing
Cause I cannot stand still
I cant be this unsturdy
This cannot be happening
This is over my head but underneath my feet
Cuz by tomorrow morning Ill have this thing beat
And everything will be back to the way that it was
I wish that it was just that easy
Cuz Im waiting for tonight
Then waiting for tomorrow
And Im somewhere in between
What is real, and just a dream
What is real, and just a dream
What is real, and just a dream
- "Somewhere in Between", a song by Lifehouse
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wow, it just sort of hit me!...
There's only 2 days left until my wedding!!! yikes, it's soooo close now. But alhamdulillah :)
Things are going well so far. I was freaking about not being able to find hijaabs, to match the new outfit which my MIL is bringing for me to wear on Friday night, but alhamdulillah I found one, but only after much searching throughout every store I could think of at the mall! I ended up buying a red one too, wich will go perfectly with the outfit that I have to wear on Saturday evening (the actual wedding reception).
So alhamdulillah things are going smoothly overall.
My MIL got me some AMAAAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL clothes from Pakistan. Although I haven't seen them in person, my husband was nice enough to put a lot of effort into photographing them for me, and then e-mailing me them.
I am truly feeling blessed! :)
May Allah protect us all from the 'evil eye' and people with ill intentions. Ameen.
Below is the picture of the outfit which I'm wearing on Friday, insha'Allah.
Things are going well so far. I was freaking about not being able to find hijaabs, to match the new outfit which my MIL is bringing for me to wear on Friday night, but alhamdulillah I found one, but only after much searching throughout every store I could think of at the mall! I ended up buying a red one too, wich will go perfectly with the outfit that I have to wear on Saturday evening (the actual wedding reception).
So alhamdulillah things are going smoothly overall.
My MIL got me some AMAAAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL clothes from Pakistan. Although I haven't seen them in person, my husband was nice enough to put a lot of effort into photographing them for me, and then e-mailing me them.
I am truly feeling blessed! :)
May Allah protect us all from the 'evil eye' and people with ill intentions. Ameen.
Below is the picture of the outfit which I'm wearing on Friday, insha'Allah.

Monday, July 27, 2009
Calm before the storm...
*Sigh* So my summer classes are over and there's 4 days left till the wedding reception thingy!
And, surprisingly that whole Bridezilla thing was just a phase and I've been doing super well since then. I'm actually super excited about everything, except I haven't started packing or cleaning up my room until now :(
Yikes! I better get started on that.
Things are otherwise going really beautifully and our first guests will be arriving on Thursday, insha'Allah :)
I'm psyched!!!
Hmm... also, my sis & I went to my aunt's house today and found a lot of stuff that she had left behind from her son's wedding which she'll let us use to help decorate the wedding hall with :D Alhamdulillah. And, the best part is that a lot of her stuff will go well with what I've already bought.
Things finally seem to be shaping up. Alhamdulillah, I can't tell you how grateful I am to Allah subhaanahu wa ta'ala.
On an even more exciting note, I got to see all of the clothes that my MIL bought from Pakistan for me... YAY.
'A' and his bro will be driving here on Thursday with their parents and my BIL's wife in tow... so it's all getting more and more real!
Ok, i gtg now and force myself to sleep... I've been staying up till past sunrise everyday and today I just seem to be waaay to restless to want to sleep! haha
Anyways, ttyl everyone :)
And, surprisingly that whole Bridezilla thing was just a phase and I've been doing super well since then. I'm actually super excited about everything, except I haven't started packing or cleaning up my room until now :(
Yikes! I better get started on that.
Things are otherwise going really beautifully and our first guests will be arriving on Thursday, insha'Allah :)
I'm psyched!!!
Hmm... also, my sis & I went to my aunt's house today and found a lot of stuff that she had left behind from her son's wedding which she'll let us use to help decorate the wedding hall with :D Alhamdulillah. And, the best part is that a lot of her stuff will go well with what I've already bought.
Things finally seem to be shaping up. Alhamdulillah, I can't tell you how grateful I am to Allah subhaanahu wa ta'ala.
On an even more exciting note, I got to see all of the clothes that my MIL bought from Pakistan for me... YAY.
'A' and his bro will be driving here on Thursday with their parents and my BIL's wife in tow... so it's all getting more and more real!
Ok, i gtg now and force myself to sleep... I've been staying up till past sunrise everyday and today I just seem to be waaay to restless to want to sleep! haha
Anyways, ttyl everyone :)
Monday, July 20, 2009
It's happening...
I'm turning into Bridezilla!
Ugh... the stress of doing everything alone is getting to me :(
Also, it's like I get things done and then hubby has been questioning my judgment on things and that really gets old real fast!
I haven't had time to breathe, let alone be able to write on here.
I have barely been sleeping, I am taking accelerated summer classes & the wedding is in 10 days!!!
I wish I was having more fun.
And, my hubby's younger bro is over so him & I don't get much constructive talk in. He comes home late and I end up staying up late and still have to go to school in the morning... so yeah, lack of sleep & stress = excitement killer.
Ugh... the stress of doing everything alone is getting to me :(
Also, it's like I get things done and then hubby has been questioning my judgment on things and that really gets old real fast!
I haven't had time to breathe, let alone be able to write on here.
I have barely been sleeping, I am taking accelerated summer classes & the wedding is in 10 days!!!
I wish I was having more fun.
And, my hubby's younger bro is over so him & I don't get much constructive talk in. He comes home late and I end up staying up late and still have to go to school in the morning... so yeah, lack of sleep & stress = excitement killer.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The masjid apologized for double-booking and is allowing us to have our reception at the mosque :)
Alhamdulillah, for one less thing to worry about!
Alhamdulillah, for one less thing to worry about!
I have been feeling really weird for the past day or so... I don't know why.
I guess I could say I'm feeling down and emotional.
This might be due to the fact that, though usually I don't like to set high expectations because that way you're bound to fail, I actually did want everything to be perfect right now.
Plus, I may have made some overrated assumptions about people and things.
So, maybe I can say, that I'm the one who set myself up to feel this way... and I'm truly hating it.
I really wanted to enjoy everything this time round because I was getting to plan my own wedding reception etc. But the excitement has died out. It might be because I'm planning it on my own... shouldn't I be feeling happier and more excited?
I might just have to attribute my feelings to stress, because I know this is sort of how I was feeling right before my official wedding this past October.
Sigh... the more plans you make on your own, the more likely you are that a few are bound to fail... C'mon I made them before anything was really official or set in stone.
Everything that I had thought up did not take into consideration the amount of people who would be attending my ceremony, who would be attending the ceremony, the fact that I've put on 20 pounds in the past few months (by the way, I'm pretty convinced that I won't fit into my reception outfit and so that'll suck too) nor had we even booked any of our tickets nor hotel reservations.
The first blow may have been that my husband and I would not be having my official 'giving away' ceremony on Thursday, which is what I had ideally wanted so that I could've had a day between that and the reception. I mean imagine... our schedule is like July 30 is when my husband and his parents arrive, July 31st is when I will be moving in with him for the first time (since we've been apart this whole time due to school), Aug 1st we have the wedding reception and the morning of Aug 2nd we're driving 11 hrs to SC where my hubby lives.
I don't even know if I'll be able to live through the day of driving... I don't know what to say about not even getting a day's break. Dude, it's not like the bride's in the best of conditions at such a time.
So, yeah, I'm kinda wishing that it was all over :(
I just wish we could be done and living together for the summer.
I don't care what anyone says... I would've loved to have at least one day to rest. Can you imagine traveling the day after the wedding?
Ugh... anyways... not like I can do anything about it.
So, yup, I'm trying to keep the stress levels down.
Ok, so I guess I should get my cynical self to end this now.
Tomorrow is the second day of summer classes and so I better get some sleep.
I guess I could say I'm feeling down and emotional.
This might be due to the fact that, though usually I don't like to set high expectations because that way you're bound to fail, I actually did want everything to be perfect right now.
Plus, I may have made some overrated assumptions about people and things.
So, maybe I can say, that I'm the one who set myself up to feel this way... and I'm truly hating it.
I really wanted to enjoy everything this time round because I was getting to plan my own wedding reception etc. But the excitement has died out. It might be because I'm planning it on my own... shouldn't I be feeling happier and more excited?
I might just have to attribute my feelings to stress, because I know this is sort of how I was feeling right before my official wedding this past October.
Sigh... the more plans you make on your own, the more likely you are that a few are bound to fail... C'mon I made them before anything was really official or set in stone.
Everything that I had thought up did not take into consideration the amount of people who would be attending my ceremony, who would be attending the ceremony, the fact that I've put on 20 pounds in the past few months (by the way, I'm pretty convinced that I won't fit into my reception outfit and so that'll suck too) nor had we even booked any of our tickets nor hotel reservations.
The first blow may have been that my husband and I would not be having my official 'giving away' ceremony on Thursday, which is what I had ideally wanted so that I could've had a day between that and the reception. I mean imagine... our schedule is like July 30 is when my husband and his parents arrive, July 31st is when I will be moving in with him for the first time (since we've been apart this whole time due to school), Aug 1st we have the wedding reception and the morning of Aug 2nd we're driving 11 hrs to SC where my hubby lives.
I don't even know if I'll be able to live through the day of driving... I don't know what to say about not even getting a day's break. Dude, it's not like the bride's in the best of conditions at such a time.
So, yeah, I'm kinda wishing that it was all over :(
I just wish we could be done and living together for the summer.
I don't care what anyone says... I would've loved to have at least one day to rest. Can you imagine traveling the day after the wedding?
Ugh... anyways... not like I can do anything about it.
So, yup, I'm trying to keep the stress levels down.
Ok, so I guess I should get my cynical self to end this now.
Tomorrow is the second day of summer classes and so I better get some sleep.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Today I've been feeling pretty down.
There's about 2 reasons for that...
My photographer won't be able to make it to my event (she is a friend/my ex-photography teacher) on August 1st.
The venue that we finally got, we found out, had double booked and so now we may, again, not have a venue!
What's worse this time around is that we already printed the reception invites with the venue and date of the event on them! :(
'Innama al-usri yusri'... After hardship there is ease... and I do have faith in Allah, but I guess I need to have more and get myself to relax instead of stress.
I mean I am so frustrated that I don't even care for a big reception... Can someone just give me a plane ticket to SC?!?
Peace out.
There's about 2 reasons for that...
My photographer won't be able to make it to my event (she is a friend/my ex-photography teacher) on August 1st.
The venue that we finally got, we found out, had double booked and so now we may, again, not have a venue!
What's worse this time around is that we already printed the reception invites with the venue and date of the event on them! :(
'Innama al-usri yusri'... After hardship there is ease... and I do have faith in Allah, but I guess I need to have more and get myself to relax instead of stress.
I mean I am so frustrated that I don't even care for a big reception... Can someone just give me a plane ticket to SC?!?
Peace out.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Passed = )
Alhamdulillah & yippee!
We passed my husband's greencard interview :D Insha'Allah he should have his temporary greencard in a few weeks, we are very excited... especially because a few months of stressing is finally now over and subhaanAllah! it almost feels too good to be true.
We were in the interview office for only 15 minutes.
Our interview time was 1p.m. on June 1st and we ended up getting stuck in dreadful traffic and taking a wrong exit at around 12:50 and so both of us were nervous thinking that there was no way we could make in on time since there were still quite a few miles left. Well so I just started praying to Allah that we would make it even at least 3 minutes before time, by His mercy.
Haha... we made it 2 minutes before time and just ran to the building!!! and alhamdulillah we signed-in exactly at 1 p.m.! :D
Allah is definitely merciful.
So yeah, I had an awesome 4 day trip in Myrtle Beach & got back home last night & I've been missing my hubby like crazy.
I started tearing up while telling my cousin about my trip. *Sigh* the distances are gonna be tough :(
We have 2 more months before we see each other again for a month-and-a-half and then after that we'll be apart for maybe another 3 or so, until I move to SC permanently insha'Allah.
This was the first time that my hubby & I actually got to spend so much time together and we were alone so it really finally felt like we were a family, in a strange way of course.
Anyhow, it's late & so I better go & sleep.

The roses Adnan brought to the airport, when he came to pick me up! Masha'Allah.
I was blushing due to all of the attention at the airport, because many people were smiling as they walked by!
We passed my husband's greencard interview :D Insha'Allah he should have his temporary greencard in a few weeks, we are very excited... especially because a few months of stressing is finally now over and subhaanAllah! it almost feels too good to be true.
We were in the interview office for only 15 minutes.
Our interview time was 1p.m. on June 1st and we ended up getting stuck in dreadful traffic and taking a wrong exit at around 12:50 and so both of us were nervous thinking that there was no way we could make in on time since there were still quite a few miles left. Well so I just started praying to Allah that we would make it even at least 3 minutes before time, by His mercy.
Haha... we made it 2 minutes before time and just ran to the building!!! and alhamdulillah we signed-in exactly at 1 p.m.! :D
Allah is definitely merciful.
So yeah, I had an awesome 4 day trip in Myrtle Beach & got back home last night & I've been missing my hubby like crazy.
I started tearing up while telling my cousin about my trip. *Sigh* the distances are gonna be tough :(
We have 2 more months before we see each other again for a month-and-a-half and then after that we'll be apart for maybe another 3 or so, until I move to SC permanently insha'Allah.
This was the first time that my hubby & I actually got to spend so much time together and we were alone so it really finally felt like we were a family, in a strange way of course.
Anyhow, it's late & so I better go & sleep.
The roses Adnan brought to the airport, when he came to pick me up! Masha'Allah.
I was blushing due to all of the attention at the airport, because many people were smiling as they walked by!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
'A' and my interview date for his greencard application came sometime earlier this month... just when we were expecting for him to get his work permit and travel documents!
I have heard that typically people get all their documents, by mail, before the interview date... and so ours' came as a surprise! Especially because it came so quickly too.
Anyhow so yeah, the interview date came during the school quarter for me and so I had to get excused from attending classes for 2 days while I fly to SC to be with my hubby for the interview.
But, there's 2 things that I am extremely grateful for... the first one of course is that the forms that we filled in got processed properly... second, I GET TO MEET MY HUSBAAAAND!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY... we thought we wouldn't be meeting until the summer since university is getting kind of harder because I'm a senior and I'm taking a few accelerated classes in a month. Third, if the interview date was to be after even a week, that would mean having to postpone it due to finals week, for me :(
So, yup, I'm veeeeery grateful alhamdulillah!
I fly out on Friday, May 29th insha'Allah & our interview is set for Monday... please keep us in your prayers :D
Thank you.
I have heard that typically people get all their documents, by mail, before the interview date... and so ours' came as a surprise! Especially because it came so quickly too.
Anyhow so yeah, the interview date came during the school quarter for me and so I had to get excused from attending classes for 2 days while I fly to SC to be with my hubby for the interview.
But, there's 2 things that I am extremely grateful for... the first one of course is that the forms that we filled in got processed properly... second, I GET TO MEET MY HUSBAAAAND!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY... we thought we wouldn't be meeting until the summer since university is getting kind of harder because I'm a senior and I'm taking a few accelerated classes in a month. Third, if the interview date was to be after even a week, that would mean having to postpone it due to finals week, for me :(
So, yup, I'm veeeeery grateful alhamdulillah!
I fly out on Friday, May 29th insha'Allah & our interview is set for Monday... please keep us in your prayers :D
Thank you.
1 year...
Tomorrow (May 25th 2009) will be one year since I met my husband for the first time.
I cannot seriously even begin to imagine how things/my life have changed in the past year.
I went from wanting to get married to suddenly getting married at the age of 21! I have go to say that I have been blessed.
Also, having gone down the traditional route and having married the person that my parents sort of chose for me has been an amazing experience thus far!
People still find it hard to believe that my husband and I have known each other for only one year and have been married for over 7 months of that :D hahaha... what can I say? I like shocking people ;)
I am truly loving every moment of this, except the distances :(
It's soooo difficult not to have the person that you love like craaazy, not be near you. I cannot even begin to tell you how terrible it feels.
But even for that, I think we've been doing well so far.
It's due to school and everything else that we've been having to limit our meetings and so I cannot wait till December so that we can finally live together.
I cannot seriously even begin to imagine how things/my life have changed in the past year.
I went from wanting to get married to suddenly getting married at the age of 21! I have go to say that I have been blessed.
Also, having gone down the traditional route and having married the person that my parents sort of chose for me has been an amazing experience thus far!
People still find it hard to believe that my husband and I have known each other for only one year and have been married for over 7 months of that :D hahaha... what can I say? I like shocking people ;)
I am truly loving every moment of this, except the distances :(
It's soooo difficult not to have the person that you love like craaazy, not be near you. I cannot even begin to tell you how terrible it feels.
But even for that, I think we've been doing well so far.
It's due to school and everything else that we've been having to limit our meetings and so I cannot wait till December so that we can finally live together.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Roadbumps along the way...
The road to happiness is far from smooth and easy, it does have a few roadbumps along the way.
It's stupid how you'll find that your spouse and you might have a disagreement about something so pathetic! Alhamdulillah, I thank my lucky stars that it's still over something dumb as opposed to something huge, till now.
We've been married for a little over 7 months and we've had a few disagreements and alhamdulillah that I think these really help us to understand one another better.
I'd rather not fight, but when we do, I think we come out stronger.
Alhamdulillah, I have found so much happiness in my marriage and it has given my life so much.
And, I think the next time I feel the urge to raise a topic that upset me, maybe it'd be better just to think about how my husband has changed my life for the better, and how I'm so much happier than I've ever been and how this has been a dream come true for me masha'Allah.
Every few dreams, you might get a nightmare and I guess that's what marriage is like.
So, 'A', I know you'll eventually read this :P
I'm still sorry for our argument last night and you've made my life beautiful and insha'Allah I'll try to appreciate you more. And in return, I hope that we can learn to understand each other better and both of us need to learn to give each other the benefit of the doubt :)... me, firstly. I'll try not to get upset so easily... but of course this is easier said than done, but I owe you a lot baby and so I'm willing to try. Also, please, if I ever do say anything just take a breath and let me say it and realize that I still love you and in no way am I criticizing you, I'm just upset at the situation.
I know that some stuff is private and should not be posted everywhere, but I wanted to discuss the issue of arguments because for 2 newlyweds it's all very confusing. Once you argue, you begin to get scared for your relationship and don't really understand who to turn to for advice. And so alhamdulillah, I'm learning that we ARE a strong couple and that there's a rainbow at the end of a storm.
Also, as a final word, I would encourage everyone to invest in a good book about 'effective vs. affective' speaking, insha'Allah. I had read one but don't remember what it was called... maybe something like 'Effective Speaking'... LOL.
Ok, so I'm gonna end this here. At the beginning of this post, I was feeling down and had a heavy heart but now I'm feeling more positive about the future and am really looking forward to times of more happiness :D
Alhamdulillah, All praise and glory is to Allah.
The One who showed mercy and compassion upon me and has blessed me with so much.
I do not regret anything that He had given me, alhamdulillah.
Rather, I am having to teach myself to truly appreciate and cherish all that He has gifted me with.
Blogger Graphics
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Having recently put on 20 pounds is becoming kind of hard on me... I finally understand the aches and pains that showed up, what felt like randomly at first.
I am really not liking it :(
I am not a vain person and hardly obsess about my looks (well, haven't since high school anyways), but I these 20 pounds have been really hard on me.
I think the reason for this may stem back to the fact that I was far more overweight a few years ago than I was just recently... and so now I'm freaking out because I'm back to where I was over 5 years ago!
So yeah, I was not a vain person but I'm scared of the way that I'm feeling now =(
I guess it's just that I really really wanted to look good for my wedding reception, and I'm not the only one who has noticed my recent weight... everyone's been on my case telling me, 'Do you want to be a fat bride?' or stuff like "Oh, now that you're that you're __ years old your metabolism will slow down and so it'll get harder to lose weight but don't worry... since you're already not doing anything, it'll be fine for you!"
So yeah, I guess I've been a little down for a few days now... but alhumdulillah I'm doing somewhat better today. Also, alhamdulillah my husband 'A' has been quite comforting at this time.
I don't know though, I'm just feeling very confused about my recent concern about the way I look... I haven't felt this insecure or upset in a while.
But, again, I did well today... I ate all healthy & have been more positive.
I just hope it lasts.
Oh, on a more positive note, I'm planning on throwing myself a party... since I'll be moving to SC in December, I just wanted to arrange a little get-together with my friends...
So... I'm super excited because I get to go dress shopping for the event, next weekend :D
I am really not liking it :(
I am not a vain person and hardly obsess about my looks (well, haven't since high school anyways), but I these 20 pounds have been really hard on me.
I think the reason for this may stem back to the fact that I was far more overweight a few years ago than I was just recently... and so now I'm freaking out because I'm back to where I was over 5 years ago!
So yeah, I was not a vain person but I'm scared of the way that I'm feeling now =(
I guess it's just that I really really wanted to look good for my wedding reception, and I'm not the only one who has noticed my recent weight... everyone's been on my case telling me, 'Do you want to be a fat bride?' or stuff like "Oh, now that you're that you're __ years old your metabolism will slow down and so it'll get harder to lose weight but don't worry... since you're already not doing anything, it'll be fine for you!"
So yeah, I guess I've been a little down for a few days now... but alhumdulillah I'm doing somewhat better today. Also, alhamdulillah my husband 'A' has been quite comforting at this time.
I don't know though, I'm just feeling very confused about my recent concern about the way I look... I haven't felt this insecure or upset in a while.
But, again, I did well today... I ate all healthy & have been more positive.
I just hope it lasts.
Oh, on a more positive note, I'm planning on throwing myself a party... since I'll be moving to SC in December, I just wanted to arrange a little get-together with my friends...
So... I'm super excited because I get to go dress shopping for the event, next weekend :D
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Notes to self...

- Need to mail out the cards, asap./ Get the rest of the addresses of our relatives.
- Keep an eye on the RSVP e-mail address.
- Give 'A' his outfit for the reception so that he can try it on for size.
- Get the 'blouse' of your sari from your aunt.
- Ask how many bottles of coke we need to buy for 100 guests!!!
- Smile :)
Somewhat positive...
Our reception invitations have arrived... yes, they're for the reception though they have the words 'wedding' on them :D
I'm super psyched!!! You have no idea :)... My husband said that they're really pretty and my in-laws had already told me the same and so now I can't wait to take a look, for myself!
Also, our interview date for his greencard came in... YAY!!! Alhamdulillah.
Oh, and today is the wedding of my husband's older brother 'R'.
So yup, I guess a lot of good things are going on, afterall.
But, i'm still 20 pounds heavier than I was when I got married! That still sucks.
I'm super psyched!!! You have no idea :)... My husband said that they're really pretty and my in-laws had already told me the same and so now I can't wait to take a look, for myself!
Also, our interview date for his greencard came in... YAY!!! Alhamdulillah.
Oh, and today is the wedding of my husband's older brother 'R'.
So yup, I guess a lot of good things are going on, afterall.
But, i'm still 20 pounds heavier than I was when I got married! That still sucks.
20 Pounds *sigh*
I am getting ready to have another big reception in 3 months, for my wedding which happened 7 months ago, and I'm super excited.
I guess when you set yourself up so high with excitement, some kind of setbacks are bound to occur =(
Well, my setback came in the form, well I was on medication for the past few months (just regular stuff), and it sort of made me put on 20 pounds in 8 months!!! The question that everyone had was, how come I didn't notice that I had put on so much weight??? Truth being, I hardly even look at myself in the mirror! And yes, I was wondering why I was randomly putting on weight though I was moving around more on campus and wasn't eating out pretty much at all... so yeah, also, I have been in my jammies A LOT... and, they have DRAWSTRINGS!
So yup, I didn't freaking notice that I put on 20 pounds =(
Just when I was thinking of trying to lose weight since I'm going to be meeting my husband and my in-laws again, insha'Allah, this comes and hits me...
And sadly, I've been feeling down about it... I don't know if going off the meds will make me lose all the weight or whether I'll have to work my butt off?
I'm just irked that I didn't catch the weight gain at 10 pounds, even.
So yeah, everyone is losing weight for their upcoming nuptuals and here I just put so much on.
I guess when you set yourself up so high with excitement, some kind of setbacks are bound to occur =(
Well, my setback came in the form, well I was on medication for the past few months (just regular stuff), and it sort of made me put on 20 pounds in 8 months!!! The question that everyone had was, how come I didn't notice that I had put on so much weight??? Truth being, I hardly even look at myself in the mirror! And yes, I was wondering why I was randomly putting on weight though I was moving around more on campus and wasn't eating out pretty much at all... so yeah, also, I have been in my jammies A LOT... and, they have DRAWSTRINGS!
So yup, I didn't freaking notice that I put on 20 pounds =(
Just when I was thinking of trying to lose weight since I'm going to be meeting my husband and my in-laws again, insha'Allah, this comes and hits me...
And sadly, I've been feeling down about it... I don't know if going off the meds will make me lose all the weight or whether I'll have to work my butt off?
I'm just irked that I didn't catch the weight gain at 10 pounds, even.
So yeah, everyone is losing weight for their upcoming nuptuals and here I just put so much on.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
So, alhamdulillah (All praise to Allah)...
-We both have our reception outfits.
-I'm having a friend make a cake for us :D
- We have a venue.
- We have a date.
- We have talked to the caterer.
- We have invitation cards that will be mailed to us soon.
- My 22nd birthday is coming up, this weekend.
-We both have our reception outfits.
-I'm having a friend make a cake for us :D
- We have a venue.
- We have a date.
- We have talked to the caterer.
- We have invitation cards that will be mailed to us soon.
- My 22nd birthday is coming up, this weekend.
Last Resort
Ok, so when I last wrote we were still looking for a hall... well after researching online and calling up a bunch of places, it seems like there was nothing that was available on the dates that we needed.
So... long story short, we decided to go with our last resort which is the local mosque in our area.
Why was it a last resort? I don't know, it wasn't what I envisioned for my wedding reception (Waleemah).
I am not sure if I ever explained why we were having 2 weddings/receptions LOL. Well the reason for this was because the last time when we had had our actual wedding, we had a lot of relatives who were unable to make it :( and so now that most people are going to be off for school and I will be going to spend the summer with my husband, 'A' & I decided that this would be a good time to hold a bigger reception for all of the people who did not attend our wedding.
Also, we wanted our wedding to be a nice and intimate affair and so in the end it mostly consisted of elder people and so was mostly formal... well it was my parents' planning and so it was mostly their cousins. I get to plan this one so we're going to have a few of my and A's cousins and friends come.
Ok, anyhow, getting back on topic... we have a place booked for August 1st!!! And I'm super duper excited :D
I can't wait! Oh, and we have invitations that just got printed in Pakistan and I can't wait to see those either, I'll probably put up pics when I get them.
Well it's late, so I think I'll be sleeping now...
I'll try to post updates as they happen.
So... long story short, we decided to go with our last resort which is the local mosque in our area.
Why was it a last resort? I don't know, it wasn't what I envisioned for my wedding reception (Waleemah).
I am not sure if I ever explained why we were having 2 weddings/receptions LOL. Well the reason for this was because the last time when we had had our actual wedding, we had a lot of relatives who were unable to make it :( and so now that most people are going to be off for school and I will be going to spend the summer with my husband, 'A' & I decided that this would be a good time to hold a bigger reception for all of the people who did not attend our wedding.
Also, we wanted our wedding to be a nice and intimate affair and so in the end it mostly consisted of elder people and so was mostly formal... well it was my parents' planning and so it was mostly their cousins. I get to plan this one so we're going to have a few of my and A's cousins and friends come.
Ok, anyhow, getting back on topic... we have a place booked for August 1st!!! And I'm super duper excited :D
I can't wait! Oh, and we have invitations that just got printed in Pakistan and I can't wait to see those either, I'll probably put up pics when I get them.
Well it's late, so I think I'll be sleeping now...
I'll try to post updates as they happen.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sterling something
Haha... so I'm supposed to go and check out a hall to host my wedding reception at, on Sunday.
My uncle's wife told me about it... poor her, she's been going all around asking all of her friends about if they know any venues etc.
Another thing is, anything that we usually find is waaay over budget for us :(
So hopefully this'll be perfect, I'm just willing to book anything (including a barn, if I need to!!!), at this point.
I want to get started on invitation cards, then we have flight tickets to book, hotel reservations for hubby & I, talk to someone to cater our food and whatnot.
So, please pray that this is the 'one'. According to my aunt it's called 'Sterling something...' LOL.
But hey, that still helps and I'm super excited. I just hope it's nice and available.
So far it does seem that it is affordable :D
Alhamdulillah 3la kulli haal (Thanks to Allah upon every condition/situation).
We will make it through, insha'Allah.
My uncle's wife told me about it... poor her, she's been going all around asking all of her friends about if they know any venues etc.
Another thing is, anything that we usually find is waaay over budget for us :(
So hopefully this'll be perfect, I'm just willing to book anything (including a barn, if I need to!!!), at this point.
I want to get started on invitation cards, then we have flight tickets to book, hotel reservations for hubby & I, talk to someone to cater our food and whatnot.
So, please pray that this is the 'one'. According to my aunt it's called 'Sterling something...' LOL.
But hey, that still helps and I'm super excited. I just hope it's nice and available.
So far it does seem that it is affordable :D
Alhamdulillah 3la kulli haal (Thanks to Allah upon every condition/situation).
We will make it through, insha'Allah.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Summer Reception?

Now that things seem to be clearer about A's job with his company, we're deciding to finally have the wedding reception.
Thing is, when we had the first one, it was supposed to be extremely small but then we found out that during the month of October we (meaning my family, basically) had many relatives visiting from many different countries. So, though trying to keep the guestlist extremely short, we ended up hosting more than 70 people... seriously, I think we all lost count.
But alhamdulillah (thank to Allah) everything turned out beautifully, in a way.
Of course, there were some things that I wasn't too thrilled about during the first official part of my marriage... well pretty much the fact that I had no control over anything. Everyone was freaking out... and me and my raging hormonal self (terrified to be taking such a major life-changing leap of faith) could not get a word in edge-wise.
So, yeah, I basically watched things as a spectator... hardly felt like my wedding :(
I guess from that it must be clear now that this time round, I'm wanting to do things in a better more organized way... which involves my hubby and I.
Well, I guess I asked for it... so I got it. Problem is, everyone's like, "Oh, we planned the first event, so you're on ur own for this one... we've done our part."
That firstly makes me feel isolated... apart from scaring the daylights out of me.
I'm 21 yrs old (going on to 22) and haven't lived in my home country (the US) for that long. Plus, I've never really attended a wedding here... so do I know what planning a wedding entails? Nope.
But... I'm trying. And, things aren't exactly running smoothly, I'll say. I'm still determined to stay positive... yes, it's hard. I hate when you feel like you're running around in circles! lol.
Anyhow, so yeah, we got my husband's reception outfit today. It came in from Pakistan :D And, I pretty much love it, alhamdulillah.
It's cream, or more as what I would describe as camel colored :P LOL. That's my 'having been brought up in Arabia' side talking, I guess!
Anyhow, yeah, I love it :DDD
Ok, where was I?
Oh yeah, so we both have our reception outfits... HOORAY! But, we have no venue... because we have no venue, we can't finalize the reception date. We know that we want it in the first week of Aug... either Aug 1st or 8th! Still, we can't finalize it unless we know if we have a place to hold it!
Since we don't know where to hold it nor do we have a fixed date, we can't print cards... if we can't print cards, we can't have people RSVP. If people don't RSVP, then if the hall isn't big enough, we'll have another issue at hand!
Wedding planning is CRAZAAAY! haha. But, I think I love craziness :P
I'm still excited, nervous and scared as hell. But, I have ultimate faith in Allah (God) that things are going to work out beautifully insha'Allah (if Allah wills).

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
We find out March 13th...
Yeah, Friday the 13th! Watever! I'm not the least bit superstitious.
Anyhow, yeah, so apparently my husband's company has laid off around 8,000 employees and now they're going from employee-to-employee informing them whether they have been laid off, or not.
My husband will find out on March 13 :(
And if he is informed of being laid off, March 26th could be his last working day!
This is pretty crazy but thankfully we've filed on time, but yeah, he might have to move-in with my family and I.
Which would be nice because I like my state better than his! haha
But, at the same time, I don't know if I would be ok with the family dynamics being set that way :S
We've only been married 5 months and haven't lived together and so we really need time on our own to get to connect on another level.
Not to mention, some private time.
My house only has 3 bedrooms-- a master bedroom for my parents, then my sister and I both have our own rooms.
So yeah, it'll be weird for sure!
But hopefully things'll happen for the best and I'm not that worried.
I'm a strong believer in the power of Allah (God) and so yeah, though I am concerned, I'm hardly worried at all.
Anyhow, yeah, so apparently my husband's company has laid off around 8,000 employees and now they're going from employee-to-employee informing them whether they have been laid off, or not.
My husband will find out on March 13 :(
And if he is informed of being laid off, March 26th could be his last working day!
This is pretty crazy but thankfully we've filed on time, but yeah, he might have to move-in with my family and I.
Which would be nice because I like my state better than his! haha
But, at the same time, I don't know if I would be ok with the family dynamics being set that way :S
We've only been married 5 months and haven't lived together and so we really need time on our own to get to connect on another level.
Not to mention, some private time.
My house only has 3 bedrooms-- a master bedroom for my parents, then my sister and I both have our own rooms.
So yeah, it'll be weird for sure!
But hopefully things'll happen for the best and I'm not that worried.
I'm a strong believer in the power of Allah (God) and so yeah, though I am concerned, I'm hardly worried at all.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Been almost 5 months...
Wow time flies!
Alhamdulillah (All praise be to Allah) that I have had an amazing 5 months of marriage :)
And, my hubby continues to be the most patient person that I have EVER come across, in my life! I gotta say... wow...haha.
Anyhow, yeah, haha... a thought on the word 'patience', I am more of the impatient type! LOL... well i mean i guess it depends.
Okie dokie, too much yapping...
So... what's going on in our life?
Well, my husband is on an h1 visa and with the way the economy is going, who's to say how long anyone will have their job?
For that reason, my hubby and I are currently filling in a crazy number of forms to file for his immigration.
With an h1 visa status, the problem is that if you lose your job then you have 60 days to find another one that'll PAY for another h1 visa so that you can work for them and stay in the country... OR ASTA LA BYE BYE :(
It's hard enough being in a different state than 'A', there's nooo way in hell that I'm letting them kick him out of the country! :(
Hopefully things'll go well... though the whole "filling in a gazillion forms" drama was like beginning to drive me up the wall, but hopefully we are now done and can submit them and be over with it for now.
Also, since we're long distance, we had to keep mailing forms back and forth so that I could sign them... not to mention the times that we made mistakes on the form and so we had to re-mail them to each other with corrections!
Pure madness, i tellya!
But, hey :) The price of being happily married ;)
Alhamdulillah (All praise be to Allah) that I have had an amazing 5 months of marriage :)
And, my hubby continues to be the most patient person that I have EVER come across, in my life! I gotta say... wow...haha.
Anyhow, yeah, haha... a thought on the word 'patience', I am more of the impatient type! LOL... well i mean i guess it depends.
Okie dokie, too much yapping...
So... what's going on in our life?
Well, my husband is on an h1 visa and with the way the economy is going, who's to say how long anyone will have their job?
For that reason, my hubby and I are currently filling in a crazy number of forms to file for his immigration.
With an h1 visa status, the problem is that if you lose your job then you have 60 days to find another one that'll PAY for another h1 visa so that you can work for them and stay in the country... OR ASTA LA BYE BYE :(
It's hard enough being in a different state than 'A', there's nooo way in hell that I'm letting them kick him out of the country! :(
Hopefully things'll go well... though the whole "filling in a gazillion forms" drama was like beginning to drive me up the wall, but hopefully we are now done and can submit them and be over with it for now.
Also, since we're long distance, we had to keep mailing forms back and forth so that I could sign them... not to mention the times that we made mistakes on the form and so we had to re-mail them to each other with corrections!
Pure madness, i tellya!
But, hey :) The price of being happily married ;)
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