The road to happiness is far from smooth and easy, it does have a few roadbumps along the way.
It's stupid how you'll find that your spouse and you might have a disagreement about something so pathetic! Alhamdulillah, I thank my lucky stars that it's still over something dumb as opposed to something huge, till now.
We've been married for a little over 7 months and we've had a few disagreements and alhamdulillah that I think these really help us to understand one another better.
I'd rather not fight, but when we do, I think we come out stronger.
Alhamdulillah, I have found so much happiness in my marriage and it has given my life so much.
And, I think the next time I feel the urge to raise a topic that upset me, maybe it'd be better just to think about how my husband has changed my life for the better, and how I'm so much happier than I've ever been and how this has been a dream come true for me masha'Allah.
Every few dreams, you might get a nightmare and I guess that's what marriage is like.
So, 'A', I know you'll eventually read this :P
I'm still sorry for our argument last night and you've made my life beautiful and insha'Allah I'll try to appreciate you more. And in return, I hope that we can learn to understand each other better and both of us need to learn to give each other the benefit of the doubt :)... me, firstly. I'll try not to get upset so easily... but of course this is easier said than done, but I owe you a lot baby and so I'm willing to try. Also, please, if I ever do say anything just take a breath and let me say it and realize that I still love you and in no way am I criticizing you, I'm just upset at the situation.
I know that some stuff is private and should not be posted everywhere, but I wanted to discuss the issue of arguments because for 2 newlyweds it's all very confusing. Once you argue, you begin to get scared for your relationship and don't really understand who to turn to for advice. And so alhamdulillah, I'm learning that we ARE a strong couple and that there's a rainbow at the end of a storm.
Also, as a final word, I would encourage everyone to invest in a good book about 'effective vs. affective' speaking, insha'Allah. I had read one but don't remember what it was called... maybe something like 'Effective Speaking'... LOL.
Ok, so I'm gonna end this here. At the beginning of this post, I was feeling down and had a heavy heart but now I'm feeling more positive about the future and am really looking forward to times of more happiness :D
Alhamdulillah, All praise and glory is to Allah.
The One who showed mercy and compassion upon me and has blessed me with so much.
I do not regret anything that He had given me, alhamdulillah.
Rather, I am having to teach myself to truly appreciate and cherish all that He has gifted me with.
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