Monday, August 31, 2009

In-laws arrive! (for 10 days)

So my in-laws have arrived for 10 days and we're having a lot of fun playing Ludo together, going to the beach, aquarium and we also hosted an iftaar for my second cousin who lives in NC, on the first day of Ramadaan.

My poor MIL and I spent a total of 2 days in the kitchen... from the second that we woke up, until the second we went back to sleep! SubhaanAllah.

It was a lot of work, but my mom-in-law taught me a lot too, I learned how to make a few new things :D

Also, the iftaar party was a success!!!

The pic above is the dining table all set up for the day my in-laws arrived.
I cooked rice, lentil and spinach :D

Setting up the apartment :D

This was by-far my favorite part!

My in-laws were with us for 2 days after we came to SC and then they went off to NV to spend time with my husband's elder brother, for 2 weeks.

Well, I decided to take on a mighty task before they came back...

We bought and assembled a bookshelf, coffee tables and a desk in a total of around 3 days... after that hubby and I also bought ourselves a washer n dryer with the money that we got during the wedding!

SubhaanAllah! It really was like taking on more than we could chew and I was super overwhelmed one day... trying to cook and clean and do 3 loads of laundry in a single day... but I am blessed with an AMAAAAZING husband because he did a LOT of work... he doesn't just help, but in fact he DOES a lot of stuff, masha'Allah.

I am so thankful...

I have arrived...

The wedding reception was a huge success and everyone had tons of fun.

It was also pretty well organized and my outfit + hijaab all turned out the way I wanted them to, alhamdulillah (Allah praise is to Allah).

The day after the wedding reception we drove to SC which was a 13 hr drive... even though I was really nervous about riding with my in-laws and everyone for the first time, it all turned out really well and everyone was extremely caring :D

Also, although it would seem like 13 hrs is a loooot, alhamdulillah it really did not feel like that long... i guess it was the happiness of everything which got me through it :)

So, yeah, I'm beginning my new life in SC... slowly but surely!

I'm only here for 1.5 months :( but I'm still excited!!!