Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Motherhood... a time of 'no time'!

No one will ever argue the fact that a woman gets really busy after she has a child... and yet, people never seem to accept that as a valid excuse for if you don't return their calls or do what they told you to!

Today my hubby was telling me that I should call his parents during the day while he's not home... i was like i agree but that some days i don't even get to talk to my own parents or sister because my days are so crazy... and lol i don't even think my own husband accepts that reason... i may be laughing but it's actually kind of sad.

This makes me come to the conclusion that NO ONE, but a MOM, really understands how busy one gets when they have kids!

To demonstrate this fact...

I try and talk to my sister at least a few times a week, if not every day, since we're both busy... her with school and me with my goober. Even though we 'talk' a few times a week, i am not even sure if her classes started in August or September... or if she's taking one, two or three classes. I'm sure she may have told me and maybe i asked too... but our conversations may occupy a quite a lot of time but they aren't exactly efficient enough to actually convey information, or if information is actually conveyed there may not be enough 'quiet' time for me to be able to grasp it!

So yes, when I say i'm too busy to talk or keep in touch... i actually am! And honestly i'm always thinking about everyone and my friends but it's hard for me to literally sit down and find enough time to have a meaningful conversation :(

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Even good couples fight! :)

Someone once told me that even a good marriage consists of many fights and arguments, at times...

This was such a simple, yet profound, statement...

I remember wondering about where my marriage was going/headed when hubby and I would not see eye-to-eye on things and would constantly be arguing.

Alhamdulillah I know I have a great marriage, sure we argue... a LOT sometimes, but the bottom line is that we are committed to one another and our marriage.

I went from a Buckeye to a Packer!

I am not sure I ever updated you guys on the fact that I'm now living in Wisconsin.

Hubby had to frantically look for a new job when I was 8 months pregnant because his job of 11 months was laying off like 95% of its employees from OH.

Hubby had heard about the layoffs and asked his manager for a head's up in case there would've been any indication that hubby would also need to change jobs, since we were pregnant and would need a job in time for our baby to arrive as well.

Turns out, the manager didn't get a chance to warn us because he, himself, also got laid off.

So, yeah, we got told in the last week of November that hubby's last day at that job would be Jan 31st, and I was due to have my baby on Jan 21st!!!

I can't even tell you how crazy the next couple of months after the news of the layoff were.

I had gone from looking forward to the commencement of my pregnancy/shopping to now having to worry about what would happen with hubby's job.

He had to quickly start looking for job openings.

Well long story short... we are now in WI, a 7 hr drive from my parents in OH :( Before I was a 5 minute drive away :(

It took a lot of patience to accept that Allah had decreed this for some higher purpose... and almost 2 yrs later, alhamdulillah we have adjusted well over here... although i miss my parents, without a doubt, and wish that Y could go up closer to his grandparents and I could use them for some free babysitting :P

Sigh, but what can one do... we gotta make the best of the card that we are dealt in life.

I've made lots of friend in WI and so things are getting better n better alhamdulillah.

My (Baby Y's) Birth Story!

So, this is something that I should've done ages ago! haha, now that I think of it ;) I've just been sooo sooo busy with being a mommy! I feel like I'm finally getting caught up with my life, and my son is 20 months old... So yeah, it literally took me this long to finally stop struggling with trying to manage time and freaking out constantly. Sadly, we are also getting closer and closer to the terrible twos haha so i might not have my sanity for long!!! :) I still love my baby boo very very much and I keep falling more n more in love with him each day! <3

So... you may be wondering how's the hubby? He's great! We've had our share of struggles since baby Y was born but despite that we are doing well and counting down the days to our fourth anniversary! (Lol ok, i lied, we're not actually counting down the days...although I just did and there's like 22 more days insha'Allah!)

A marriage goes through a lot after a baby is born and we had some really intense moments in these past 2 yrs, and despite that I have been blessed with the most amazing man for a husband... and he's an AWESOME father! Our son is crazy about him!

( LOL BRB, my son is standing outside the kitchen and calling for me to take him in!) (Ok, so I'm back after picking Y up from outside the kitchen and after a diaper change).

Let me just get to my L&D story before I get even furthermore sidetracked ;)

The doctor's office that I used during my pregnancy, had a few main OBGYNs who specialized in things life infertility treatments, procedures and high risk obstetrics and normal patients could schedule appts with them but then a midwife would deliver your baby if you weren't high risk. Initially I was a little hesitant about not being given the option of having a doctor deliver my baby vs. a midwife because everyone around me had had a doc deliver their babies, granted though the last person to give birth around me in OH was my mumaani like 6 yrs prior to me! SO things change...
But I decided to trust my gut instinct and not change practices, anyways. Another thing I didn't particularly like about the office was that they had a different midwife for every day of the week, which meant that if I went into labor on a day where i didn't like the midwife then i would still have to have her deliver my baby.

Anyhow, so let me get to my story now... At first I had started out scheduling my appts with the Doctor who had delivered my cousins, but then one day she was not available and so i ended up going to a midwife named Tiffany instead. Turns out, I fell in LOVE with Tiffany. I ended up getting HG during my pregnancy and would end up having to schedule an appt at the office sometimes twice a month and so i met quite a few of the midwives and rns but i still loved Tiffany the best. After that I found out that Tiffany worked on Tuesdays and so I would always schedule my appts with her whenever i could. What I liked about her was the she really listened and was slow and genuinely caring. Sometimes the wait to see her would be a whilebut i knew it must be because she was really taking the time to listen to whoever she had before me. She was really so caring that she would not rush me at all... sometimes i'd just be babbling on to her and she still would not flinch. She really did not make me feel dumb for asking questions that she may have heard over n over again. Every time I left an appt with her I would tell hubby 'I better give birth on a Tuesday' because i wanted her to deliver my baby Hmm... so my pregnancy kinda really sucked due to HG (hyperemesis gravidarum) but Zofran (ondansitron) actually worked on me to control the vomiting, although i still had bad nausea despite it. (I swear I still get nausea to THIS day!!! :()

Anyhow, the HG and Zofran led to other issues... but overall my pregnancy was progressing well... then the final month came and my biggest concern would be 'how will i know that labor has begun?' Honestly everything that they told me did not come true for me at all... so 'you will feel pain all around your midsection' or something about something feeling like a ball tightening up etc or watever just sucked... And then everyone always told me 'oh you will know'... sure i knew when i was in labor but there was really no answer for what if i didn't have the typical kind of labor... which i ended up with... back labor!

So basically I started feeling contractions 30 mins apart on a Monday night and I had an appt with Tiffany on Tuesday at 9 so I called into the office and they told me that if the contractions are still that far apart that i should just come into the office for an exam. Well I went in and started bleeding right before the exam and Tiffany was happy and told me that she would like me to go to the hospital, after grabbing some breakfast, so that they could hook me up to some monitors etc. Well i went there and they kept me for 3 hrs on an external belly monitor (the belt thingy) and then told me to go home because i was only 2 cm. That sucked!!! Because my contractions were 7 minutes apart and would not get closer... and the intensity of the contractions was going up.

The pain just kept getting worse n worse... n i never had any pain in my stomach or towards the front, it was all in the back! The hospital didn't even care... it's a good thing google told me that i should go on all fours during the contractions to ease the pain... so i would literally be doing that every 7 mins! And it was Tuesday evening so my contractions had first started almost 24 hrs ago! I soon called the doctor's office again and they said they couldn't really guarantee that if i went in to the hospital whether i would stay or end up going back home... :(

After that phone call i was like i don't care, i feel like i'm torturing myself and so i ended up going back to the hospital. Well turns out when they hooked me to the monitors that Y's heart rate was beginning to drop with every contraction and so they rushed me in to get admitted. Anyways so I asked for an epidural right away because i was exhausted (they didn't tell me that i wouldn't be able to walk if i got it right away, but anyhow, i was ready) then they broke my water... so yeah, i had known that i wanted an epidural and no demerol or anything else. I wanted a clear head but numb lower body... Well... here again, someone screwed up...

I got this super chatty nurse who was on-call when i got my epidural and she was all sweet and adjusted my bed all nice and flat when she went off duty... by the time another nurse came on-call, i was feeling v sick like i was having a panic heart had started racing etc and i just felt v sick... well turns out the dumb nurse before should not have put my head down!!! I didn't even ask her to. So yeah basically she numbed me up all the way to my brain!!! lol exaggerating of course but yeah, my cheeks and forehead was numb too. After that, I never went back to feeling normal despite them having to re-dose me twice with the narcotics they put in the epidural (despite the pump button thingy they had).

They also had me keep changing positions throughout the night since I wanted to avoid a c-section, if possible, to make sure that Yusuf's heart rate kept steady. Then finally on Wednesday morning it was time to push! I had THE best nurse and experience during pushing... she was amazing! I did the 'tug of war' method of pushing... the nurse held onto a blanket and had me pull at it and i didn't even know i was pushing and within a total of 30 mins of pushing, Y was out... with the umbilical cord wrapped all around his neck So the last complaint i would have is, i don't know why they didn't do an ultrasound or something to see whether the cord was around Y's neck because idk in my opinion i feel like alhamdulillah that everything happened in time.

But i loooved my birth experience. I was so nervous about being gross in any way or pooping or anything but the nurse who was attending before my midwife came was so good about lying to me that it made my whole experience totally beautiful. What I also loved about her was the she would come up to me and (I had hair clips in my hair) fix my hair and pin it out of my eyes etc. like she really cared

So it was definitely a pleasant experience despite everything...and!!! I got Tiffany to deliver my baby even though I gave birth on a Wednesday morning. I gave birth at 6:14 a.m. and Tiffany's Tuesday shift ended at 7 that morning, so I got EXACTLY what I wanted! :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

my older posts...

My older posts seem SO immature and TRIVIAL now...

WE've had a baby boy, well... a year ago! (on the 19th of this month)

Being a mom is the MOST rewarding job ever!

But I'll be honest, it's very difficult at times! I think the lack of sleep is beginning to really catch up with me now... I'm like tired all of the time :( Alhamdulillah there's not a moment that I don't love my role :)