Monday, August 31, 2009

Setting up the apartment :D

This was by-far my favorite part!

My in-laws were with us for 2 days after we came to SC and then they went off to NV to spend time with my husband's elder brother, for 2 weeks.

Well, I decided to take on a mighty task before they came back...

We bought and assembled a bookshelf, coffee tables and a desk in a total of around 3 days... after that hubby and I also bought ourselves a washer n dryer with the money that we got during the wedding!

SubhaanAllah! It really was like taking on more than we could chew and I was super overwhelmed one day... trying to cook and clean and do 3 loads of laundry in a single day... but I am blessed with an AMAAAAZING husband because he did a LOT of work... he doesn't just help, but in fact he DOES a lot of stuff, masha'Allah.

I am so thankful...

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