Sunday, May 24, 2009


'A' and my interview date for his greencard application came sometime earlier this month... just when we were expecting for him to get his work permit and travel documents!

I have heard that typically people get all their documents, by mail, before the interview date... and so ours' came as a surprise! Especially because it came so quickly too.

Anyhow so yeah, the interview date came during the school quarter for me and so I had to get excused from attending classes for 2 days while I fly to SC to be with my hubby for the interview.

But, there's 2 things that I am extremely grateful for... the first one of course is that the forms that we filled in got processed properly... second, I GET TO MEET MY HUSBAAAAND!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY... we thought we wouldn't be meeting until the summer since university is getting kind of harder because I'm a senior and I'm taking a few accelerated classes in a month. Third, if the interview date was to be after even a week, that would mean having to postpone it due to finals week, for me :(

So, yup, I'm veeeeery grateful alhamdulillah!

I fly out on Friday, May 29th insha'Allah & our interview is set for Monday... please keep us in your prayers :D

Thank you.

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